19 Ott “Out” by Michele Leonardi
The cinematographic approach to the ghosts of a painful past has a long tradition of low key, dark and obsessive images. Usually the aesthetics of such movies try to underline the feelings of the protagonist by transforming the world around him into a place that resembles the mind of the character.
In this short movie we have a different approach, that is also its biggest value. When the protagonist, a woman that allegedly murdered her son and served time in prison, comes back home to her supporting husband, the framing, lighting and composition of the image is very balanced, light, low-contrast and geometrically rigorous, as to portrait the conflict of the protagonist with the new “normality” she has to face once again after the episode that changed her life.
The aspect ratio and the use of a very contemplative camera style, framed by a very elegant and oriental cinematography, is a choice of direction that gives this very short psychological drama a language that makes it very powerful and innovative in the genre. By making this choice, we don’t need the screenplay – based on a very short timespan – to develop further.
Helped by Peppino Mazzotta and Manuela Ventura, that portrait with grace and delicacy two very believable characters, this short movie becomes surely an example of sobriety and class.