19 Ott Knocking at the Door by Church of Almighty God
It is very hard to judge a movie that focuses on religious matter, especially if the critic is unprepared on theological matters, so we will try to focus more on the cinematic aspects that on the content of the movie, that is almost entirely based on explaining and expanding certain aspects of the Church of the Almighty God way of helping souls and people.
The movie, a very long – two hour and a half – follows the story of this man that refuses to let two people of the Curch inside his house until one day, after a lot of time spent thinking about their words, he finally hears the voice of God and acknowledges that Almighty God is the return of Lord Jesus, in a heartbreaking last part.
This movie has been made as a not-for-profit piece by the Church of the Almighty God and it may correctly help people in better understanding what this Church is about and how its words may help people to hear God’s voice and live guided by his words.
It is very difficult to evaluate the performance of all actors because the whole movie has been dubbed in english, but their mimic looks puntual and just about right for the film. Music and editing are very good, following TV structures that just work: some editing sequences, helped by music, are really strong. Cinematography and lighting are very sober and pretty much correct. Direction is the work of four different people but has overall a very good pace and rhythm that helps the spectator in going through the screening time.
The movie might be hard to watch for a non-believer but it really helps understanding what this church is about and what their words mean so, if somebody would be interested in it, he would find a good guide in this feature film.