08 Mar “Changing your heart” By Richard Schertzer
It is a very good idea, at the start of a career, to try and shoot documentary films. They can be a school for many reasons: first of all, they teach filmmakers what they’re most interested in and secondly they teach the habit of research, which is very important when it comes to writing and staging fiction.
This very small documentary called “Changing your heart” is a series of interviews made by Richard Schertzer about the concept of the title. The camera has a very intimate approach which tries to make the spectator feel in front of the interviewed person. The director also did music, cinematography and editing using a very simple approach.
What we thought is that this material should be more a research than a film. We had the feeling that these interviews could be a prelude to a bigger project that could maybe try to focus on the perspective from a more internal point of view, maybe following one of the characters in their real life and showing a true change of heart in their actions.
As an experiment, it is somehow valuable to see that there are all the good intentions both in filming and in the vision of life itself.