30 Ago “Under the weight of remorse” by Lília Moema Santana
What makes this drama film shine above other films of the same genre is the idea that makes the structure of the screenplay: the four characters and the reason why we are watching the story is revealed little by little, in a very subtle and delicate way and it gets to an ending that makes us think again about the whole story.
Shot with a professional and very delicate cinematography and put together by an intelligent editing, “Under the weight of remorse” by Lília Moema Santana is a very well written drama that sees four all-around interesting characters depicted in with complex psychologies and backgrounds.
The setting of the hospital then becomes a sort of locus amoenus where the story can develop and transform into meaning, brought by the script to progressively deeper meanings.
You end up living the experience of a sort of enlightenment of your conscience of the story as a spectator that is the biggest value behind the thinking of the film. A good drama shot by a very fine mind.