24 Dic “On the line” by Silvia de Leonardis
Silvia de Leonardis’ new film explores the deep emotional connections between a mother and her son. The grace and simplicity that distinguish this beautiful film are the most evident result of a complex and refined stylistic work. Through a simple and effective directorial style, the director places glances and words at the center of her images, leaving space for the drama of the protagonists. This effective stylistic choice also involves the technical departments, from cinematography to scenography. This approach gives us an exciting journey into the intimacy of two characters, who only apparently seem to live a story far from anyone’s. The delicacy and sensitivity of this story, in fact, allow us to live the cinematic experience on two distinct levels. We can appreciate and follow the developments of the plot with excitement, thanks to a raw and powerful script, made of sharp lines and eloquent silences, and at the same time it is possible to get to the heart of the feelings and feel somehow involved in a profound and personal way.
In this direction, De Leonardis creates a cinema worthy of the name, capable of combining entertainment with a deeper meaning, which reaches the height of poetry.
The actors, very good in their roles, guide us through this fragile relationship, and mark the rhythm of the emotions and the story, in a perfect combination of images and words.