29 Apr “Shutter” by Andres Ramirez
“Shutter” moves between the archetypes and the stylistic tradition of the genre film and then reaches higher peaks than any quotationism. With an attractive and absolutely original look, Andres Ramirez creates a work with a strong authorial imprint and a seductive story. Investigations of a missing girl lead the viewer into a cloudy and tense world where the narrative does not however exhaust all the potential of the work. Through a refined reflection on the persistence of the image, the mystery becomes a metaphor and the cinema reflects on itself. The beauty and formal rigor of Ramirez’s shots recalls the obsessive search for beauty that runs through the narrated story, in a continuous exchange between form and content.
It is a film with a shocking and fascinating precision in writing and staging. Each stylistic choice contributes to creating a nuance of the story and each element is never an end in itself. It is a beauty full of meaning, which surpasses the artistic sense and seduces the soul, exactly as happens to the protagonist of this film.
A masterfully built thriller.