16 Mag “From Charlie, with Love” by Andres Ramirez
“From Charlie with Love” is another virtuoso cinematic experiment by Andres Ramirez. The director takes his personal artistic vision even further, after the previous “Shutter”, which had already impressed us with its strong authorial mark, its mature and visionary style. With this short film, Ramirez confirms himself as an author capable of surprising and investigating the possibilities of the cinematographic medium with always new and original forms. The story told in this film is simple, and with a great intuition Ramirez links the content to the form: it brings the cinematographic language back to its origins, in a semantic simplification that takes on a new, fascinating value behind the filter of contemporaneity.
It is also amazing how a story built with this grammar still fascinates us. Ramirez succeeds in taking the audience back in time, and not, as often happens, brought the cinema to a futuristic exasperation.