29 Giu “The Morning After” by Alexander Machlouzarides-Shalit
“The Morning After” is a dazzling six-minute short film. In the short time of the narration, the director sheds light (it is appropriate to say it) on the most invisible mechanisms behind social relationships. The metaphor of light seems to be the basis for this encounter between two occasional lovers. The day, the morning, has come to reveal the passions and compromises of the night and now only the people seem to remain, more naked than before. The short is based on a refined screenplay: the dialogues are soft, sincere and the actors interpret the tones of the speech with deep sensitivity and involvement, which then also reaches the viewer.
There are no superfluous virtuosity or indiscreet visual choices, which can interfere with the characters. It is a brave artistic choice, that of Alexander Machlouzarides-Shalit, the director. The tension of reality seems to reach some kind of profound truth. Thus his cinema becomes a mirror in which every spectator can look at himself.