24 Lug “Uppercut” by WILLIAM STANCIK
“Uppercut” is another of the distant borders explored by Stancik’s cinematic narrative. With an overview of his filmography it is possible to appreciate the continuous and diversified excursion of suggestions that the director achieves with his style. Unmistakable, peculiar and visionary style. “Uppercut” is a film with a very simple structure. It seems to be far from the epic dimension of other works by Stancik, in which epochs, men, chronicles and feelings converged.
This film rather revolves around the dialogue between two men, two boxers. They are facing each other, as if they were still in the ring, and the words replace the fists in a still close confrontation. The most surreal elements are therefore inserted with more discretion, and seem to emerge directly from the memories of the two protagonists. Memories. The dimension of the past, so present in Stancik’s works, this time is reworked in a more intimate sense and is configured as a personal experience, built around emotions and real facts. The film is therefore an elegant dialogue, with philosophical suggestions, in which the style is modeled around the consciences of the protagonists involved. In short, another brilliant example of the creativity of this author.