“Change of Course” by Andreas Ortner

“Change of Course” by Andreas Ortner

In just 9 minutes, Andreas Ortner manages to represent the ambivalent tension between opposites, sometimes in conflict, sometimes complementary. The image also becomes part of this dichotomy. In this film, the poetic value of the staging is extremely important, because visually represents this restless inner conflict, fought by the mind and the heart. The symbolisms and the metaphorical value of the visual elements deepen and expand the fascinating dialogue of the two protagonists, who are nothing but spokespersons for these two opposite poles, instinct and reason, discipline and momentum.

With great courage, Ortner moves away from the conventional stereotypes of linear narrative and tries to transcend the limits of the story, to stage something deeper, something that is even at the root of every narrative: conflict. In this case, the reflection takes on the characteristics of a metacinematographic representation: “Change Of Course” in fact revolves around the terrible coronavirus pandemic, still ongoing. The attempt to capture reality as it happens makes this film an important testimonial work of undoubted human and artistic value.