12 Gen «One Shot» by Ryan Wilson
In his directorial debut, Ryan Wilson presents “One Shot,” a captivating short film that pushes the boundaries of creativity and storytelling. Set in London, this dark comedy takes audiences on a thrilling ride as two MI5 agents engage in a high-stakes mission to extract the location of a hidden bomb from an international criminal. What sets “One Shot” apart is its ambitious approach — the entire film is shot in one continuous take, adding an extra layer of intensity to the already gripping narrative.
From the opening scene, where a violent interrogation between eccentric cops and a self-proclaimed terrorist unfolds like a harmonious ballet, it’s clear that “One Shot” is an exercise in style and precision. The dialogue crackles with wit, and the perfect infusion of British humor adds a distinct flavor to the proceedings. The histrionic screenplay, crafted by Wilson and Holly Furey, amplifies every moment, drawing the viewers into a roller coaster of tension and irony into an unfathomable abyss as the minutes wind down and anything seems possible.
Creating a comedy short that works is almost impossible, except with a brilliant cast with humor. These talented actors bring the eccentric and larger-than-life characters to life, fully embracing their craziness and immersing viewers in a world of manipulation and power play. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, and the real-time format adds an extra layer of authenticity, immersing viewers in the characters’ world and heightening the sense of urgency.
With this unexpected and exhilarating thriller, we can see something truly distinct and researched in every frame. “One Shot” is a testament to the power of creativity and collaboration and a promising debut from a talented filmmaker.