06 Lug “Probashi” by Sayef Zaman
“Probashi” is a film that investigates the most dangerous drifts of loneliness. The director, Sayef Zaman, takes us to a smoky, chaotic and impenetrable metropolis, a reflection of the protagonist’s own mind. In his visionary fantasy, the director creates a dense web of inextricable images and sounds, which seem to abstract themselves from reality and become pure representation of the protagonist’s flow of thoughts. The way Zaman shapes visual matter is fascinating, creating unprecedented glimpses of apparently banal things. Thus, this murky and seductive story acquires a vast depth, which goes far beyond the excellent script. The suggestions evoked by the rhythm of the montage, by the sound choices and by the black and white, are part of the narrative and immerse the bodies and movements in a dark mixture, from which the viewer lets himself be absorbed with fascination. That’s why “Probashi” is not just a movie but something more. Because the director is able to communicate a universal, intimate and profound vision.
The black and white of photography is an exceptional artistic choice, evidently the result of the naturalness with which for Zaman the images summarize the sensations. There is a mysterious beauty in this film, which blends everything and flakes it, confuses it. Thanks to directors like Zaman, we know that independent cinema still holds great surprises today.