
Rome Prisma Film Awards features a press release in Italian magazines regarding the live screenings we hold at the Cinema Farnese, and strives to promote films also outside its channels and screenings.

Latest articles and news

· MowMag: “Ok, ma che cos’è il festival Rome Prisma Film Awards? Ecco l’appuntamento col cinema d’autore che devi conoscere”

· 77 x PRISMA: 5 corti indipendenti da guardare a luglio

· Il film Conchiglie ideato, prodotto e realizzato nelle campagne dell’Umbria, premiato a Roma

· “Conchiglie”, il film con un cast in prevalenza tifernate premiato al “Rome Prisma Film Awards”

· Dall’Umbria il film di Lavinia e Veronica conquista la capitale

· Miglior sceneggiatura per cortometraggio dell’anno al “Rome Prisma Film Awards”, per il film ideato, prodotto e realizzato da Lavinia Lazzaro e Veronica Neuliched

· 1977 magazine x Prisma : The best independent short films of May

·  East Mojo – Millo Sunka wins Best Actress at Rome Prisma Film Awards

· With Zaqqum, The Tree of Hell toward Rome! Winner at the Rome Prisma Film Awards

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best independent short films of December

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best independent short films of July

· Prisma Awards on the December Edition of Romeing Magazine – Page 43

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best independent short films of March

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best independent short films of January

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best independent short films of November

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: I Prisma tornano in una nuova veste dal vivo al Cinema Farnese

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best indepedent short films of the February Edition

· 1977 magazine x Prisma: The best indepedent short films of the January Edition

· Fimocracy: Top 10 Virtual Film Festivals of February 2021

· NPC Magazine features Rome Prisma Film Awards: January winners

· NPC Magazine features Rome Prisma Film Awards: December winners

· The Silcence by Juraj Štepka screened at the Rome Prisma Films Awards

· NPC Magazine features Rome Prisma Film Awards: November winners

· NPC Magazine features Rome Prisma Film Awards: October winners

· Annuario del Cinema Italiano: Marcello Di Trocchio is the new artistic director of the Prisma Awards

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