«Love» by John Moore

«Love» by John Moore

The debut short film by young Dublin-based director John Moore, LOVE is a poignant exploration of the corrosive effects of betrayal and how the fractures of broken trust bind us to the very things we long to escape from.

The short follows Alex, played by Peter James, a man whose world shatters when he makes a devastating discovery that drives him to abandon his wife, Rose (Tatiana Ouliankina), the life they had built together, and their two children. But the distance Alex tries to create is only an illusion; his decision to walk away does not free him from the grip of the past.

Years later, when Alex encounters James (Ruggero Alexander), a promising young boxer tied to his history, old wounds reopen, revealing the depth of the scars left behind. In LOVE, broken trust is a disease that seeps into the characters’ hearts, leaving them scarred forever, like an unhealed wound. However far they try to run, they cannot escape the shadow of their pain or the memory of the betrayals that defined them.

Rooted in subdued performances and an introspective script, LOVE is a haunting exploration of the human condition that leaves viewers questioning the bonds that define our lives. Moore’s film is a meditation on the fragility of human relationships and the inescapable consequences of the choices we make.
