«Ti Amo, Mr. Nibbles» by Govind Chandran

«Ti Amo, Mr. Nibbles» by Govind Chandran

With Ti Amo, Mr. Nibbles, Govind Chandran takes us back to the turmoil and joys of first loves, with their unstoppable urgency and the alternating fear and joy that come with the youthful discovery of oneself and the other. He does so through a sensitive and profound story that explores the vulnerability and courage of speaking the words of love.

In this delicate kammerspiel, we see Casey (played by Kelsey Cooke, with whom Chandran had previously collaborated on the horror short Scarlet, which we spoke about here), overwhelmed by the fear of jeopardizing her friendship with Mia (Emily Kontu), but at the same time determined to confess her feelings. The narrative is built on whispers and silences, unspoken but felt words, with photography playing a crucial role. Dominated by shades of blue, it reflects the emotional nuances that characterize a deep relationship. Blue, a symbol of spirituality and introspection, converses with silences and hesitations, but also with moments of profound connection and tenderness between the two young women, who gaze at each other, mirror one another, and find each other.

Casey’s resolve seems to falter in the face of Mia’s sensitivity. The unexpected help of the adorable Mr. Nibbles, a plush hamster who only speaks Italian, breaks the stalemate. Ti Amo, Mr. Nibbles captures that moment of youth when one confronts the need to love and be loved, and the courage to be vulnerable. And as the Latin root of the word “courage” (cŏrdis habere) suggests, true courage is having heart: the heart always finds a way to be heard.