(In)visible Walls by Giulio De Paolis
24 by Bryan Fuentes
A Christmas Bonus by Chaka Balamani
A Mouthful of Stories by Bernardo Bibancos, Lara Dias
A Place to Go by Jiabin Li
A Secret by Hanjin Tian
Abandoned by Fabrizio Speranza
All Eyes On Me by Pascal Payant
ALL EYES ON THE SHOW by Francesco Billy Silvestri
And We’ll Be Okay by Francesca Escarraga
Are you a rabbit? by Hatem Emam
Before by Florentina Angelo
Behind the Welcome by Janaka Sanjeewa Peththawadu
Beyond The Curtain by Slavi Georgiev
Blossom by Liang Zhang
Bluebells by Marc Gaudet
Bolle (eng sub) by David Ali Rashed, Samuel Rashed
Borealis by Jo Monteiro
Break Up to Make Up by Runnan Zhao
Breaking Borders – The legacy of the Berlin Wall Jumper by Idris Aleshinloye
Broken by Joffre Faria Silva
Bullseye by Francisca Borges
Cento – Assalto al moro (Assault on the Moor) by Matteo De Liberato
Chanting of the Dunes by Mokhless Al-Hariri
Clouds in the Wind by Xing Song
Coffee by James Alexander Cameron
Come and Find Me by Carmine Carpenito
Commodo by Elettra Gotti
Crescent Heights by Yiannis Margetousakis
Crown of Flowers by Gary Centrone
Dance, Dance Man and Woman by Bailin Yan
Disco Boy by Mafalda Lorijn
Dreamful by Sarko Meene, Vahan Khachiyan
Everything In This World Is Exactly What It Is by Filippo Di Franco
EXTRAS by Ahmad Marouf
Film Library by Dimitri Dima Montanari
Flourfish by Shan Shuer
For The Billionth Time Today by Jack Chisik
Forgot by Jiahe Guo
Fort, da? by Rita Younes
FRANCK RÉBILLARD & DEATH by Franck Glenisson
FUTSUKAYOI by Gabriel Kei
Glimpse Through My Window by Ben Yew
Grey Skies by Unni Rav
Gunman by Cris Tapia Marchiori
HARA by Daniele Di Battista
Hard Mouth by Alexandre Dal Farra
Hoof Dance by Majid Nazari
Ice Breath by Leonard Alecu
Il Demone E La Dea by Daniel Medagli
In an Impasse by Navid Ghiasi
In Half by Jorge Morais Valle
Internal(*)mind by Vincenzo Vinz Beschi
Interview with an Android by Jack Davies
It’s Your Fault by Nicholas Campbell
Justice Devil by Harva Raj
KNOWLEDGE by Francesc Font Andreu
LANDA NGAÏ by ABY Landry Joel
Late for dinner by Daria Lucy Podleśna
Lena and Vladimir (AKA Unshattered) by Igor Aleksov
Les filles et les garçons de mon âge (It, Can) by Giovanni Princigalli
Lessor by Il Sik Jang
Love Song For A Mermaid by Jon Mack
Maaya Prapanch by Jayjit Narendrabhai Mahavir
Metronome by Adarsh Gupta
Michel Steiner 64 agendas by Gerard Bouysse, Sylvie Steiner
Molotov: Full Bottle by S Rishikesh
My Little Moon by Ali Atshani
My Love by Mengfei Yu
MY OWN WORST ENEME by Nicola Napoli
MY SHELTER by Hyoseo Jeon
Nero by Claudio Agostini
Netting the Waters by Daryl Scott Granger
Nos Monstres by Margaux Girard
Ocean of Mothers by Letícia Prisco
Older Self by Tom Michaels
ONDE DI TERRA by Andrea Icardi
Phobia by Anastasia Kaluzhnaya
PRECIOUS by Sandra Winkelmann
Project Eden by Dave Salvi, Chris Sattel
PUNTER by Jason Adam Maselle
qiao wu sheng xi by Yuxi Fan
Rage against the dying by Saurabh Arora
REBECCA by Gerard Corporon
RicorDanze by Salvo Presti, Emanuele Torre
RUFFLE by Sara Farzadfard
Saint John by Xiangchen Xiao
Sara by Ariana Andrade Castro
Secret Plan by Zhao Kejun
Self Love by Blake Ridder
Selma by Davut Emre Yegin
Sen by Abdullah Karaman
SHAWLWALA by Suman Maitra
Shuhari – Finding my way through Japanese calligraphy by Tatsuya Ino
Silent Scars – A Documentary Film by Idris Aleshinloye
Sombras Chinas by Sebaztian Baz
Sterk means strong by Elizabeth Kapsa
Stray Dogs by Terry Le Villain, Olivier Le Villain
Stuck In A Memory by Max Stanner
Sumarsólstöður by Amélie Ravalec
Summer Landscape, Thunder Looms by Parlour Collective
Sunflowers at Night by Quentin Delcourt
Sunset Prelude by Yiannis Margetousakis
Take My Hand by Kelly Stephanie Bergsma
Targeting Beauty by Ian Kuijt, William Donaruma, Pavlo Shydlovskyi
THE AUTOTELIC NOTEBOOK by Francesc Font Andreu, Jordi Márquez Puig
The Bench by James Alexander Cameron
The Caretaker by Luke Tedder
The Dandelion’s Wind by Guangqiang Sun
The End of the Year by Jiangtao Deng, xichang huang
The Gliwensbourg Chronicles – Season 1 by Emilie TOMMASI
The Henhouse State by Arda Wuyts, Dimitrios Manias
The Last Daisy by Pietro Fortunato, Daniel Nordström Salafranca
The Little Prince by Amar khati
The Loved One Dies by Qian Wan
The Method by Jackson Martini
The Missing Peace by Michael Raymond-James
The River by Alessio De Santis
The Sunflower Maze by Luca De Benedetti
The Tasty Kings with Blondie Chaplin “Maybe I’m a Queen” by Jacques Naudé
The Tears We Cry by Brian Pinkus
The Very Last Christmas by Reinhard Fust, Emanuel Engin
The volcano and the baby by Danielle Jaeggi
The World Beyond Me by Ashwin Vijaykumar Agrawal
Then & Now by Anton Svantesson-Helkiö
Thimea by Susana Fialho Mota, Caque Trueba, Juan Trueba
Ticket to Hell by Pietro De Galleani
To be a pine tree by Kathrin Frank
Two Paths to Shemayin (short) by Joseph F Gandurski
Ultimo Battito by Leonardo Ferro
Valentini – Detentio by Giacomo Bolzani
VEILS by Conor Van Sise
VIATICUM by Derek Frey
Walk With Open Eyes by Charles Sharman-Cox
We Are Strange by Han Hoezen
We are the music by Guillermo Rosabal-Coto
When They Land by Ben Yew
Women In Red by Yiran Wang
Wonderland Cave by Krista D Bradley
Yoyo’s summer by Marine Zhou
An Acetylene Light by Gang Chen
Begin At The Bygones by Kevin Silva
BULLET by Shaba Karim
Calling Card by Peter Hardy
Claus and Effect by Dave Thomas
Daytona by Mattia Colucci
Il ponte della vita by Francisco Saia
KAM60 The Butterfly Prince by Maria Pearce
Kick Rocks by Peter Herlan
Lab Partners by Tommy Britt
Loving Home by Joseph Anthony Francis
LYNCH by Peter Herlan
Playing with Fire by Jackson Martini
Quantum Shadows by Brad Carr
S’Aquilegia Nuragica by Luca Lobina
Shadows of Stardom by Mel Masry
The Angel of Sligo by Steven Trotter
Today While Resting by Tommy Britt
Ultimately by Cesar Sanchis Romero
Wayward by Anna Maeve