Tsutsué by Amartei Armar
Tsutsué by Amartei Armar
Boys Will Be by Jake Moss
A portrait of the artist as an old woman by Alessandro Amico
America by Giacomo Abbruzzese
Sem by Joke Duwaerts
Psyche Obscura by Craig Oty
Follow by Piersaverio Pizzichemi
We didn’t receive enough projects this month, see you next one!
Distant by Lucca Joël Donalies
Boys Will Be by Jake Moss
Tolerance by Mairead deBlaca
The Skin of a Dog by Linda Fejzaj Jaupaj
Amartei Armar for Tsutsué
Lucca Joël Donalies for Distant
David Münch for Distant
Nobuo Coste and Nicolas Milteau for Tsutsué
Linus Gramm for Distant
Jan Vysocky for Tsutsué
Antoaneta Kostova for City of Ghosts
Gregor Knob for Distant
Yena Lee for The Painted Face
Gabriel Narh Addo for Tsutsué
Stanka Kalcheva for City of Ghosts