A Cross In The Desert by Hadzi-Aleksandar Djurovic
Fatih the Conqueror by Onur Yagiz
Nemetta by Jean-Thomas Delsol
ORGASM by Edie Blanchard
Project Iceman by Ammar Kandil
Tian Hei Hei by Jina Miao
Fatih the Conqueror by Onur Yagiz
Nemetta by Jean-Thomas Delsol
ORGASM by Edie Blanchard
A Cross In The Desert by Hadzi-Aleksandar Djurovic
Endlight by Robert von Wroblewsky
The New Hands by Brandon Scullion
Bring Back the Whistle Dog by Bob Simpson
Everlasting by Tommaso Barbieri
TATIANA by Emma Onesti
Chinese Weave by Regine Steenbock
Project Iceman by Ammar Kandil
Sleep Paralysis by Vincent Graf
We did not receive enough projects for this edition’s section. See you next month!
A Tale of 2 Estates – The Prologue by Miroslav Kiss
Kodama by Dekang Liu
The Dark, Debra by Dina Yanni
DIVA Orchestra – Time in a Bottle by Aurelien Durand
LILITH – In Disguise by Cristina Ruberto
Sad Turtle Club by Brendan Void
CANCER/EVOLUTION by Maggie Jones, Brad Jones
Runestone by Robert C Bruce
Stationheads by Stu Gamble
Fatih the Conqueror by Onur Yagiz
Heart Stopper: The Introduction by Wayne D Burdette Jr
Nxdia – What’s It Like? by Miroslav Kiss
A Cross In The Desert by Hadzi-Aleksandar Djurovic
Fatih the Conqueror by Onur Yagiz
Project Iceman by Ammar Kandil
Play, Rewind, Play it Again by Soroush Hosseini
Reality in Revolt by Michelle Sabato
Take Me As I Am by Conrad Pollock
Demon’s Promise by Edward Gusts
Injured by Megan Mazer
The Best Man’s Wife by Rob McNeil
Edie Blanchard for Orgasm
Hadzi-Aleksandar Djurovic for A Cross in the Desert
Onur Yagiz for Fatih the Conqueror
Edie Blanchard for Orgasm
Fatih the Conqueror by Onur Yagiz
Jina Miao for Tian Hei Hei
Mathieu Gaudet for Faith the Conqueror
Orgasm by Hovig Hagopian
Siwei Li for Tian Hei Hei
Adam Benjamin Lesiak for Nemetta
Becky Nino for Bruno
Hadzi-Aleksandar Djurovic for A Cross in the Desert
Benjamin Rosier for Faith the Conqueror
Nicolas Leroy for Orgasm
Sasa Mirosavljevic-Don for A Cross in the Desert
Ana Krstajic for A Cross in the Desert
Leny Labbè for Nemetta
Mafmadmaf for Tian Hei Hei
A Cross in the Desert by Hadzi-Aleksandar Djurovic
Fatih the Conqueror by Onur Yagiz
Ulysse Combasson for Nemetta
Teddy Pagee for Bruno
Thomas Curel for Faith the Conqueror
William McKenna for Breathe
Sylvie Lachat for Orgasm
Leopoldine Dauzet for Nemetta
Jana Czernovsky for Hannah
Christophe Grundmann for Orgasm
Emre Öcal for Faith the Conqueror
Tom Metcalf for Ruby
Michala Banas for Breathe
Sabrina Bendjilali for Nemetta
Sheila Correa for Bruno