Make Aliens Dance by Sébastien Petretti
Mars Colony by Noel Fuzellier
Pulk by Julian Filigno
Navras by Marco Huertas
Under Threat by Ewa Stankiewicz
Snow Shelter by Robertas Nevecka
Rain Pot by Gordon Moore
Just A Candle by Berkay Türk
Not a great month for web series and tv pilots, see you the next one!
Pulk by Julian Filigno
Pulk by Julian Filigno
I’m not a Superhero by James Tyler
The Lamplighter by Pamela Hanson
Sébastien Petretti for Make Aliens Dance
Noel Fuzellier for Mars Colony
Sylvain Freyens for Make Aliens Dance
Julian Filigno for Pulk
Kim Donymyeony for Unwanted Gift
Lanterns On The Lake for Make Aliens Dance
Oksana Markina and Alana Bitarova for Пuzzle
Theo Van de Voorde for Mars Colony
Ailís Logan for Wine Lake
Philippe Rebbot for Mars Colony
Eileen Pollock for Make Aliens Dance