A Boat Heading for the Desert by Zhaoke
Astronauts by Mariano Cabaco
Floating on the Sea by Li Guozhen
Hábitat by Edinson Cuello
Mist and Blood by Roland Collin
Native Speaker by Alex Ochman
Servus Karl by Thomas Bischof
Sunday Poem by Aaron Markus Graf
The Last Goodbye by Tymoteusz Kutz
When the Tide Rises by Alex Jiang
External by Jonathan and Leandro Taub
Items of Interest by Scott Hellon
Raindrops from the Sun by Tomonao Sakurayashiki
Until the Night Arrives by Richard Thornéus
Āmra by Imri Agmon
Dancing Alone and Reuniting in Times of Pandemic by Carl Eneroth
Mimmo by Matthew Bell
World Without Boundaries by Gisela Arantes
And Crying Out I’m Going To Die by Luis Bruzón Delgado
Making an Exoneree by Rob and Cindy Dorfmann
Spanish Olive Grove by Francisco Javier Fernández Bordonada
The Filmer by Daniele Mantione
Final Deathtination by Marika Tamura
Forget Me Not by Courtney LeBlanc and Saige Guevara
Knatataar by Deepayan Purkait
The Promise by Boris Bubnov
Anietié, and the Sky will be there by Teymour Tehrani
Birth of A Muse by Michal Karczewski
In Remembrance by Hali Traina
Mantra by James Autery
Dive, Dive, Dive by Dong Sub Kim
Hand of Time by Lejla Subasic
Let It Out by Ben Woolf
Messiah Moon by Roberto Serrini
Not a great month for web series and tv pilots, see you the next one!
A Boat Heading for the Desert by Zhaoke
Servus Karl by Thomas Bischof
Sunday Poem by Aaron Markus Graf
When the Tide Rises by Alex Jiang
Astronauts by Mariano Cabaco
External by Jonathan and Leandro Taub
Raindrops from the Sun by Tomonao Sakurayashiki
Servus Karl by Thomas Bischof
Casablanca by Dale Hogarth and Giorgio La Rosa
Frayda by Raffaele Paolo O’Neill
One More California by Dean H Huh
Ripple by Rory Tasker
Oreb&Zeeb by Giacomo Seca
River’s Fall by Steven Howard
Southern Gothic by John Budge and Adam Davenport
Still Waters by James Everett