Ice Merchants by João Gonzalez
Empty Heights, Moonlit Night by Canghai Lu
Mist by Xin Ai
The Sowing by Jacek Redźko
This is Edik: A tale of a Gifted and Stolen Childhood by Ivan Proskuryakov
Ice Merchants by João Gonzalez
Painful Flavours by Julian Hand
Volcan by Rafael Andres Russo
We didn’t receive enough projects in this section for this month, see you next one!
XIE BAI for Psalm
XIE BAI for Psalm
Grandma Böse by Alicia Hayes
Hattie’s House by Dewane Alexander
João Gonzalez for Ice Merchants
João Gonzalez for Ice Merchants
Xin Ai for Mist
Robbie Morrison for Scale
Huang Jing Xiu for Mist
Velvet & by Alfonso Corte-Real
Roaring in the darkness by Ahmed Riad
Gattlin Griffith for What Rhymes With Reason
Yang Liu for Me? Your mom!
Benoît Finschi for Velvet &
Giselle Torres for What Rhymes With Reason