A Warm Spring’s Night by Domenico Saverni
A Wolf in the Asylum by James Lilly
Abigail by Claudio Cirri
Acquaintance by Jiayi Gu
AD 1202 by Tomislav Gregl
America Boxed In Casey by G. Williams, Ian S. Williams
ANIMA by Adriano Spadaro
ANKER by Magnus Sandvad Thorhauge
ANTES DEL MICTLAN by Miguel Miller
Artist’s soul by Piero Piromallo
ASHES AND BLOOD by Antonio Maria Da Silva
Ashes to Ashes by George Zouvelos, Deanna Doyle
ATANG by Dean Wei
AUGUST SKY by Jasmin Tenucci
Autonomous by Birgitta Liljedahl, Therése Neaimé, Henrik Norman, Anna Brixter
BAR: Welcome to Rome by Roberto Maria Nesci
Beginning by Jagan Vijaya
Believer by Miao Zhang
BIZARRE AGAIN by Etienne Faure
Black Hole by Romain Claris
Boneless by Dario Bagatin
Breathing by Viktor Petrnko, Maria Pankova
Cabanga by Odín Javier Solís
Café Marylin by András Reszeli-Soós
Charles X – Gasoline Shoes Davy by NKOUME OBIANG
Charo’s song by Nobb Sueyoshi
Cumulus Nimrod by Emerson Del Monte, John Vogel
Dear Andy by Jeremy Mullally
Diving by Rongheng Sun
Do You Really Get Me by Michael Ajazi
Du bout des doigts by Léo Poignard
Dust by Bridget Gormley
e-soldier by Agno Dissan
EDGES – The Borders That Define Us by Halasius Bradford
Exuvia by Leonardo Silvestri
Fight for Ukraine by Andrii Zaiets
Flying Caterpillar by Kiren Anandji
Flying On Land by Chaoqi Zhang
Giallo – Filth by Aliia Sagitova
Goad : The Rise by Triple U
Habitat by Brett Cousins
Happy Deal by Guia Ravizza
Healthy Hero by Satchin Panda
Hive to Honey by Joel Delgado
How Much for the Exam? by Ivica Valentić
I AM CLOSE BY by Vijendra Bhambhani
I Hate You and Everything You Represent by Sebastián Porteiro
I knocked on my home’s door by Matthew Khoury
ID by Kiran Kondamadugula
In Peace by Zahir Rashed
La Culpa (The Guilt) by Bianca Palmieri Balduini
La Vie en Rose by Stephen Graham
La-R-S by Antonio Fraioli
Let’s Go Below The Rainbow by Julian Karikalan
LIBRE by Pierre Songy
LIONS by Beru Tessema
Loggerhead by Guillaume Couche
Manchukuo, 1943, Summer by Yifan Xiang
Meeting the power by Tommaso Giusto
Millennials Addiction by Alex D’Antona, Fabiano Tagarelli
Mortem by Ben Higginson
Mosaic by Juwon Kim
Mosaic by Mars Lee Mckay
My Grumpy Grandpa by Komi Messan Anthony
No Body and the Blue Sky by Magda Gvelesiani
Nocturne by Jordy Tempelman
Over 18 by Anwar Jalal Nadreen
Passenger Seat by Louis Conte-Bourges
Queen by Przemysław Kulikowski
Red Rabbit by Rory Kerr
RIC PRADO SHADOW WARRIOR by Claudio Pereyra, Miguel Cosso
Rise To Your Childhood by Zehra Karahan
SERPENTS by Vincenzo Di Maio
Shambala by Andrea de Fusco
So Far From Hell by Maxime Simone
St.lover by Ying Chih Chen
Step by Step by Felix Starck
Tears on the goose eyes by Matthew U Agustin
The Day by Joy Lee
The Exiledb by Fabiano Montesano
The First Night by Silvia Gregorova
THE LAST BATH by David Bonneville
The Mythology of Fire by Haoyue Wang, Jiaxuan Zhang
The Onara Marshes Park by Gianluca Doremi
The Party At The End of The World by Dimitri Luttrell
THE SEASONS, four love stories by Paul Schwartz
The weight of memory by Asia Solfanelli, Matteo Bossoletti
The Wild Hunt
The Wrench by Songhuan Li, Yifan Chen
To Father by Jae-Feel Hwang
Tom and Luce by Muxel Paule
True Drama by James Thomas
Use Your Intuition by Orlando A Joubert A Jr.
Valley Fever Dream by Andy Moore
Via Dream by Frances Feng, Vincent Liu
Voices In The Vineyard by Alejandro Chamorro
Wayward by Ross Casswell
Where it hurts by Manane Rodríguez
1987 by Andrew Lane Fox
Angelito by Brent Peterson
As Scared As You by Jesse Dorian
Burning White by Jeff Woods
Crawl by Isaac Ballesteros Barba
Dead Or Alive by Isaac Ballesteros Barba
Face Value by Andrew Lane Fox
Fairfield Park by Andrew Lane Fox
Family Roots by Isaac Ballesteros Barba
Frankly Christmas by Ranelle Golden
Longevity Noodles by Zu Gong
Morituriosis by Jesse Dorian
Phedra Soap by Umberto Squitieri
Slowly by Garance French
The Call by Sam Di Vito
The Four Of Us Are Dying by Jesse Dorian
The Wild Hunt by Francesca O’Hop
Unsung by Alison McDonnell
Virtuoso by Isaac Ballesteros Barba