August Sky by Jasmin Tenucci
Du bout des doigts by Léo Poignard
Guinea Pig by Andrea Benjamin Manenti, Giulia Grandinetti
Lions by Beru Tessema
The last bath by David Bonneville
The Party At The End of The World by Dimitri Luttrell
August Sky by Jasmin Tenucci
Du bout des doigts by Léo Poignard
Lions by Beru Tessema
Charo’s song by Nobb Sueyoshi
The last bath by David Bonneville
Tom and Luce by Muxel Paule
Breathing by Victor Petrenko, Maria Pankova
Cabanga by Odín Javier Solís
Loggerhead by Guillaume Couche
America Boxed In by Casey G. Williams, Ian S. Williams
Wayward by Ross Casswell
Where it hurts by Manane Rodríguez
I knocked on my home’s door by Matthew Khoury
My grumpy grandpa by Komi Messan Anthony
Red Rabbit by Rory Kerr
Beginning by Jagan Vijaya
Black Hole by Romain Claris
Valley Fever Dream by Andy Moore
Charles X – Gasoline Shoes by Davy Nkoume Obia
e-soldier by Agno Dissan
Giallo – Filth by Aliia Sagitova
We didn’t receive enough web series this month, see you the next one!
mosaic by Juwon Kim
Mosaic by Mars Lee Mckay
The Wild Hunt by Francesca Florentyna O’Hop
Do You Really Get Me by Michael Ajazi
EDGES – The Borders That Define Us by Halasius Bradford
Voices In The Vineyard by Alejandro Chamorro
Longevity Noodles by Zu Gong
Phedra Soap by Umberto Squitieri
Unsung by Alison McDonnell
1987 by Andrew Lane Fox
Morituriosis by Jesse Dorian
Slowly by Garance French
Du Bout des Doigts by Léo Poignard
Guinea Pig by Andrea Benjamin Manenti, Giulia Grandinetti
Lions by Beru Tessema
Andrea Benjamin Manenti, Giulia Grandinetti for Guinea Pig
Beru Tessema for Lions
Jasmin Tenucci and Saim Sadiq for August Sky
Bruno Tiezzi for August Sky
Marion Rivière for Du bout des doigts
Noè Bach for Lions
Gabriel Gonzalez for Lions
Lucas Privè, Cédric Battah for Du Bout des Doigts
Niccolò Notario for Guinea Pig
The last bath by David Bonneville
The Party At The End of The World by Dimitri Luttrell
Where it hurts by Manane Rodríguez
Josè Alberto Gomes, Jonatan Blati for The Last Bath
Lee Zok for Use Your Intuition
Moneo for The Party At The End Of The World
Acquaintance by Jiayi Gu
Hanbin Yang for Manchukuo, 1943, Summer
Lions by Beru Tessema
Cameron Stine for The Party At The End Of The World
Jalys Ainseba for Du bout des doigts
Martim Canavarro for The Last Bath
Anabela Moreira for The Last Bath
Badu Morais for August Sky
Melodie Wakivuamina for Lions
Ernani Sanches for August Sky
Ka-Neileo Cope for Lions
Walid Ben Mabrouk for Du bout des doigts
Jie Chen for Diving
Lilian Regina for August Sky
Naana Agyei Ampadu for Lions