A Spoon Of honey by Alex Plachkov
A TOMATO TRAGEDY by Kiriko Mechanicus
A World of Difference by Robin Newell, Simon Smithers
Afterwards by Stephen Thomas Wallis
Balloons by Yuxiang Xie
Behind the Mystery of the Manor by Joseph William Simmons
Beyond You by Federico Amicosante
Chi Va Piano by David X Mooney
Closed Case by Adi Bar-Hai
DEADLY BLUE by Diana Cignoni
Death After Dusk by Chandler Balli
DID I? by Sarah Tice
Double Bounce by Christina Lao
Echoes from the Lake by Arnaud Khayadjanaian
Egaliter by Orhan Burak Acar
Farewell Dreams by Daniel Wolters
Get Out by Ziming Zhou
GIULIA VENTISETTE “Ho perso” by Simone Grazzi
hoplove by Sebastian Bauer
Impatient by Quentin Delcourt
In His Pursuit – A Photographer’s Journey by Kiran Kesav
In Spate by Sarah Skyrme
In Tenebras: Into The Darkness by Martin Nuza
Inu_Bond by Shuyi Qiu, Xiangrui Chen
INVISIBLE CAGE by Zhiqian Zhang
Ka me kalu by Flonja Kodheli
KIDNAP by Aoxue Song
KIELIA the Movie by Vic Quinton, Cynthia Garcia
Life After Death by Daniel Popovic
Loin des Yeux by Clément Joly-Gavache
Luminous Bird by Zimeng Li, Ruixi Zhou
M A R S 001 by Tursun Sadykov
Memory And Flame by Ivan Mo
Mikael and the P.P. by Simone Laurora
Miss Windy by Yonglin Han
Moments by Aaron Lewis
My Brother Charlie by Yogi Chavada
Nemico by Federico Leccese, Diego Valenzise
Off the Page by Joan Oliver Nadal, Diego Gómez Tejedor
Ordinary Violence by Aretha Iskandar
Over Her Shoulder by Izzy Thompson
Returning Home by Don Hoe
Self Sabotage – Loc by Magnus Lyche
SƐBƐN by Rokiatou Konaté
SINESTESIA by María Fernanda Marchant
Skinjacker by David Izatt
Songs of Kamui by Hiroshi Sugawara
Stork by Khiray Tyrell Richards
Submersibles by Mathieu Naert
Summer-Past by Qiao Ru Zhang
Surface or Wasting Time in the Most Gleaming Spaces by Mauricio Uribarri
SWITCH by Daniela Giordano
The Big Whoop by Lisa Satriano
The Boogieman by Maddie Harper
The Carnival: 125 Years of the Penn Relays by Justin Jarrett
The Decisive Moment by Carlos Vargas
The Decisive Moment by Dominic Kubisch
The First Bite by Ray Rajdip
The Founder Effect by Justin MacGregor
The Jump by Daniel Woods
The Performance by Stephen Wallis
The Red Chamber by Paul Wolf McPherson
The Redemption by Hali Welly
The Republic of Wine by Yuehang Li
twitch by Suden
Ummi- Mother by Paolo Calì
Underdog by David Arslanian
Vincent by Alan King
Voices of April by Kun Wu
Wild Music by Jaymz Bee
WordLotto by Johnny Baca
A Holy Father—and His Daughter by Ramin Ghayoori
Behind Every Door by Brenda Malley
Day Zero (or; How We Ended The World) by Isaac Scego
Delictum by Govind Chandran
Devil of the Seas: The Isle of Beasts by Zachary Sabra
IL Bel Tenore (The Beautiful Tenor) by Peter Hurwitz
Lucky in Long Island by Michelle Lynn
Mammasantissima by Ieva Lykos
Minivan by Kayleb Lee
My name is Renée by Renate (Renée ) Maria Urgert
Never Tear Us Apart by Zuyou Liu
Pencil by Ahmet Serhat Ak
Pesadilla by Dylan Anglin
The amanita secret by Nicola Sorrentino, Gabriele Vivante
The Garden of Earthly Delights by Steven Howard
The Night Horses by Joshua Albalos
The Seven by Igor Stefanovic
Which Way From Here by Alicia DeFonzo